Propeller & Wing
Propellers thrusters
Turbines propeller
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design your first propeller turbine, screw, aerial, marine, turbine, tidal, wind, kaplan, foil, wings, 3D. Discover heliciel software: discover heliciel software and Mecaflux suite softwares

see also: Tutorials how to design propeller

Propellers, wind turbines and wings resistance

how to test resistance of a propeller or turbine blade with Heliciel simulation 3D software:

A test of resistance of the blade wing or propeller wind turbine is started automatically at each reconstruction design of the blade and each performance test.

propeller mechanical strength

A graph, giving a maximum allowable moment for each element of the blade, and the applied moment in the operating conditions tested , is created each performance test. Changing the width of the profiles of the blade may be useful for increasing the resistance..
Here alerts resistances are shown in red, indicating that the blade will no tresist to current conditions

propeller mechanical resistance test

To control the thicknesses of elements go into law thickness profile, this allows you to manually adjust the thickness distribution profiles of your blade. After a slight increase in the thickness of the blade profile is more resistant, but remains alert rupture on the elements of the tip:

propeller mechanical strength simulation

Again a small increase in thickness, and the resistance is correct, but the power factor decreased to 0.5 while it was 0.6 before (I went a bit much). Thicker profiles are underperforming, I have to find a compromise .....

propeller blade failure

You can also create propellers blades materials with textures of your choice to each element of the blade using Tab 2 blade geometry / advanced options / Elements frame geometry:

blade material selection

propellers or turbines blade material selection

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