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propeller wing ambient fluid

How to set the propeller ambient fluid parameters in the Propellers simulaton software Heliciel:

The ambient fluid in which the propeller acts must be checked from the start of the project.

ambient fluid in which the propeller acts

The ambiant fluid of propeller can then be changed at any time. an update of the propeller is of course necessary after a change in the fluid.

To change the propeller ambient fluid click "edit the ambient fluid" to open the editor fluids.

About 120 gases or liquids and their data density and viscosity depending on the temperature, can be used directly. For air the altitude will be required to adjust the density as a function of pressure.

select the propeller ambiant fluid

exemple: In the tab project / "select ambient fluid" open editor fluid and select air at 20 degrees then "use this fluid", and click "Yes" to enter the altitude defining the density::

propeller ambient fluid density

Imagine that our propeller altitude is 500 meters, enter the value 500 meters:

propeller ambient fluid density versus altitude

This updates the propeller fluid density: 1.143KG/m3

propeller ambient fluid density versus altitude


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