Modeling propeller in heliciel software
Tutorial design a boat propeller (2/5) The operating parameters and geometry
Understand and master the boat screew propeller design (2/5): The operating parameters and geometry.
We saw in Tutorial design a boat propeller (1/5) how to define the specifications of our propeller. Now that we know what we want, let us see how to get it:
- open a model propeller propulsive water (boat) in héliciel:
- tab1.1Fluid:The default project propellers water propulsion, defines the fluid parameters of seawater ("eau de mer"):
Tab 3:Optimize: The draft propeller water (boat) default is 5 blade propeller, we want to design a propeller simple in construction, so we will immediately change the number of blades in the Tab 3:Optimize, and apply two blades:
Tab 2:1Blade geometry/Blade dimensions:Let's go to the geometry of our propeller blades. We will determine the diameter of the propeller:We have seen that the loss of lift at the blade tip (see: Wing and Hydrofoil Sailboats> losses wingtip blade ), can reduce our performance if our blade is short and the lift is distributed too close to the tip. We will therefore ensure that our blade is as long as possible and that its width is important to blade root, and low in blade tip.
The maximum blade length will be sought, taking into account the minimum navigable depth , and the position of the propeller shaft.After many discussions between:
- the designer of the hull,
- the user of boat,
- the mechanic who will install the engine,
- Pythagoras, who said that the angle of the propeller shaft to the surface should be kept as low as possible so that the force is properly oriented,
- the neighbor who passes by,
We decide to meet everyone, that the blade may have a maximum length of 200 mm, representing a impeller diameter 400mm.
So Let's get the blade length to 200mm in the tab2:1Blade geometry/Blade dimensionsThe blade width at the root (profile chord at blade root) will be set to 100mm, and the width at the blade tip (profile chord of the blade tip) will be set to 20mm.
click "linearize" to distribute the cords linear way: :Our geometry (provisional draft) is determined, and we can start building and testing performance of our model, using the function "Re build propeller":

Use the control knob rotation in the tool bar at the bottom of the 3d model, to stop the rotation of the propeller and observe.See now, how to choose a speed, depending on the desired performance .....
Next:Tutorial designing a boat propeller (3/5)